LCM Wheel Straightener Range
Introducing our new and updated range of wheel straightening machine. The new LCM range of rim straightening tools are now faster and easier to use than our previous range and also feature new components. The new design means that it is now easier than ever to add or change the style or position of attachments. A bead breaker or pump that is mounted on the left side of the machine can now be moved to another position with just a few bolts. Colors of the machines can also be modified to your requirements.

The LCM101 wheel straightening machine features a bead breaker attachment which is an optional extra. The LCM101 wheel straightening tool was initially built for mobile use however it also works very well on a shop floor. The bead breaker attachment can easily be moved from the front of the machine to either side with just a few bolts. In addition, it is just as simple to place the pump from being veritcal to horizontal and also to either side of the machine. The floor size of the LCM101 unit is approximately 30″ x 18″ x 48″ high.

The LCM103 wheel straightening machine is, in fact the LCM101 model but with a front arm attachment. The LCM103 mag straightening tool now has extended capability over the others because it can also work on the face of the wheel. The footprint of the LCM103 wheel straightening tool is much the same as the other machines in the LCM range but will need approximately an extra 15″ in front to accommodate the arm extension.

There are 2 models of the LCM104 unit. The new modular LCM104’s and then the older more compact style LCM104. The more compact LCM104 model is more suitable for mobile use which is great for a mobile wheel repair service. The LCM104 is much the same size and uses a similar method as the LCM101 and LCM103 models except that it also includes a motor and thus a method of spinning a wheel while on the machine which is mostly used for doing spun finishing which aids in the polishing of wheels.

The LCM201 wheel straightening machine is much the same in operation and method as the 101 series however the main difference is that it is heavier with a larger shaft size. This larger and heavier build is mainly for a larger production and possibly repairs to heavier wheels. Due to the size and weight of the LCM201 rim straightening tool, it probably is too heavy for mobile use.