View our photo gallery of products and photos from trade show. SEMA Show 2016SEMA Show 2016New Lenco Vertical LathePowder Coating Infra-red verPowder coating machinePowder coating inside overLenco Vibratory Wheel PolisherControl box for polishing machinePolished alloy wheelPolishing Machine ControlsFinal result wheel polishedSemi Finished alloy rim polishingPrep Stage – Wheel PolishingLenco Wheel PolisherLENCO AC/DC TIG WELDERLenco Tig welderLCM Wheel Straightening MachinesGE DIGITAL CAMERAlcm201 machine with wheellcm201 Wheel MachineLCM201 Wheel Repair MachineLCM103 Wheel Straightening MachineLCM103 Wheel Straightening ToolLCM103 Wheel Straightening EquipmentLCM103 Wheel StraightenerLCM103 Rim Straightening Machinelcm104lcm103lcm101lcm201LC201Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220CNC Wheel Lathe Model M210LENCO CNC M210Lenco CNC Wheel Lathe M215Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC Lathe Machine M220Lenco CNC M220Lenco CNC M220Lenco CNC M220Lenco M220CNC Lathe MachineLC201